Sunday, May 16, 2010

* YAWN*..

Boy oh boy oh boy... I'm bored!

And the worse part it, this happens on a weekend. When I'm supposed to be very happy with my beloved ones. Enjoying my limited quality time with them.

I just hate it when weekend mornings like this, I have to spend aimlessly. The kids have no activity. I have no exact plan to be executed with the kids.

The tiger in me lies cluelessly. What a  waste! Ain, get up & find something great to be enjoyed with the kids. time is running, the kids aren't getting smaller. One day, they'll walk out from the house as an adult, and you'll regret wasting such precious time yawning like this! Do it now. The kids look forward the weekends to be with you, so did you. The time has come, why waste it?

Alright. That's it. Come kids, let's hit the road! We'll go somewhere nice & spend our weekends - together..  (one small problems though - how am I supposed to handle 5 kids single-handedly? sigh. nevermind. I can survive!)


HaniFadil said...

me nak handle 3 orang sorang2 pun dah buat bp reading naik 190/110.. hahahaha...

Nur Azne said...

U inspired me indeed my dear.. Thanks..

U r d one. U r d one who always keep in +ve state of mind no matter how hard it is. Thats why.. Thats why u r blessed.. U r blessed with nice husband n 5 great childrens.. What a wonderful family and what a colourful life journey to be in... Alhamdulillahh.. Thank you Allahh...

lil' world. big heart. said...

@asmah : Allah Maha Tahu. Kesabaran kita masa anak 3 org takkan sama dgn kesabaran kita bila dah beranak 5. Hasil pengamatan jan, pregnancy merupakan suatu tarbiah utk meningkatkan kesabaran & daya tahan seorang ibu.. :)

lil' world. big heart. said...

@azne : Jan bukan yang terbaik. Cuma seorang yang sangat tak suka dibelenggui aura negatif.

Alhamdulillah, ada insan2 yang penting dlm hidup yg sentiasa mengingatkan diri supaya jgn dilayan fikiran negatif. Ada kawan2 yg baik mcm azne yg sentiasa ingatkan diri supaya make full use of what we have...

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. Thank you friends!

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