Saturday, May 1, 2010

i feel trapped.


I feel trapped.
This feeling is bad.
So bad it hurts.

I have a dream.
I believe I can fly.
I can reach my destiny.

But I'm crippled.
Like my limbs are all chopped.
I'm trapped.
Trapped in cage I formed.

The tiger in me roars.
Waiting to be unleashed.
So much things to be done.
So little time left.
So unmotivated.

It's bad.
It's bad it hurts.
It's very bad it hurts.
It hurts.


Mem.. said...

cewahhhh.. canggih....

lil' world. big heart. said...

xde canggihnye mem. saya budak baru belajar. saja asah2 skil creative writing. :)

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